
He sat on the cot and kneaded his calves to relieve the crampy pain. He was up again in position, eye at peephole, but alas, aunt now was squatting behind the screen in a spot so (unfortunately) well chosen that the upper part of her face alone was visible. She was pouring water over herself. Rene cursed his luck. It was early days, though, Rene patiently waited. He did not have to wait long. The soap plopped out of her hand and landed not one yard from the partition. Rene’s only thought was that the thudding of his heart was not loud enough to filter through the thin partition. Holding his breath did no good at all. Rene watched nevertheless. Aunt had apparently fully lathered herself when she let go of the soap, she was in no hurry to retrieve it. She continued spreading the soap, singing the while. The song was a recent hit from a super Tamil movie, and like most love songs in Tamil movies the lyric was replete with suggestive statements on lovemaking. To Rene the song seemed. She started asking me for it daily.I used this and daily fucked my own cousin in my mom’s room as she was always with her sis in the hall for tv serials. One day only me and my cousin was at home and I showed her my cock covering with full butter mixed with Viagra and I said it is new form of ice cream especially for our age don’t say it to your let u eat first.She started with the butter first slow her lips touched the head of my cock. OH its heaven i could say as she ate the butter she became unstable and started sucking my cock like hell, she liked the taste. I was in heaven and i decided to add this also to our sex spells dailyLike this on Saturday i forgot it was Saturday and i called my cousin to room and was fucking. Both were fully naked. Suddenly my mom and aunt entered the room and they were shocked.My aunt was furious towards her daughter scolded her to the hell and took her to another room.My mom slowly came to and advised me and I acted as a good boy and said ok to her..
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